Richard Stewart speaks at the 2024 Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Conference


Last week, our Associate Director — BIM Technology, Richard Stewart, engaged in a thought-provoking roundtable discussion at The Hong Kong Institute of Architects Annual Conference 2024, under the theme of “Design in the Digital and AI Era — is this the end or just the beginning”.

Joined by esteemed industry leaders Bryant Lu, Vice Chairman of Ronald Lu & Partner; Franklin Yu, Founder & Director of Singular Studio; Jiannan Liu, Associate Director at Aedas; Paul Mui, Founding Director of BREADstudio; Phil Clarke, Project Director at The Oval Partnership; and moderated by James Law, CEO of Cybertecture, the insightful dialogue delved into the evolution of the architectural landscape in the face of AI and automation growing influences.

“Our computational workflows allow us to adapt quickly to design changes & reduce both time & team size requirements,” highlighted Richard, “By leveraging computation — whether through parametric design models or cross-platform data management — we can automate large design changes while maintaining accurate documentation.”