Join Marion Baeli at UKREiiF 2024 Talk, in Leeds


The reality of global climate change is upon us, and we’re having to prepare and adapt for an increasing number of extreme weather events.
Hosted by 10 Design and Weston Williamson + Partners, the panel ‘Are we Ready for a 50 Degree City’ will be chaired by Marion Baeli, Principal, Sustainability Transformation, 10 Design, and include panellists from across the built environment and climate change sphere — Adam Thomas Brown, Associate, WW+P; Polly Cook, Chief Officer, Climate, Energy and Green Spaces, Leeds City Council; Clare Wildfire, Global Practice Lead for Cities, Mott MacDonald; and Christopher Cummings from Savills Earth.
Join us for an insightful discussion on transforming our cities into resilient hubs that not only adapt to change, but also ensure the well-being of their inhabitants. Drawing from successful propositions of UK cities, global cities exemplars, transportation systems and the wider need to understand this complex system, we'll explore strategies to foster adaptability and build resilience, ensuring that our growing global urban population has the opportunity to reside in cities that are equitable, affordable, comfortable, and socially inclusive.
Mark your calendars for 15:30, Tuesday, 21 May, at the Barton Suite.