An incredible week at UKREiiF with Marion Baeli!


What an amazing experience at UKREiiF!

Over the past three days, our team (Marion Baeli, Jamie Webb, and Ashley Fauguel) had the chance to connect with friends, colleagues, clients, and industry experts, sharing insights and exploring the world of real estate and infrastructure. It was truly inspiring to be part of this vibrant community, exchanging ideas and delving into exciting possibilities for the future of our industry. Few highlights below.
Marion Baeli, our Principal of Sustainability Transformation, chaired a brilliant panel, ‘Are we Ready for a 50 Degree City’, co-hosted by 10 Design and Weston Williamson + Partners. The insightful discussion focused on how we can, and need to, transform our cities into resilient hubs that not only adapt to change, but also ensure the well-being of their inhabitants. The energy was contagious, and we're grateful for the opportunity to discuss this subject with some of the brightest minds in the field – Adam Thomas Brown, Associate, WW+P; Polly Cook, Chier Officer, Climate, Energy and Green Spaces, Leeds City Council; Clare Wildfire FCIBSE FIMA FRSA, Global Practice Lead for Cities, Mott MacDonald; and Christopher Cummings, from Savills Earth. We will be sharing more thoughts and insights shortly, stay tuned!
Hosted by Women in Architecture UK, Marion joined the ‘Growing Skills and Fostering Equity’ panel. The important discussion delved deeper into what’s needed to create a strong, skilled, and empowered workforce.
Marion was invited to a roundtable lunch with Hestia, where the discussion centred on the importance of investing in energy-efficient retrofitting for current housing stock. The discussion highlighted the significant environmental and economic advantages that can be gained through such initiatives.
We co-hosted a fringe event – ‘Cocktails and Collaborations’ – with Weston Williamson + Partners and Egis in the UK, which brought together some key players in the industry to connect and celebrate after a fruitful few days.
Here's to UKREiiF 2025!