The AJ and SAVE Britain’s Heritage reveal the longlist ideas competition for London's Marks & Spencer building!


The Architects’ Journal and SAVE Britain's Heritage have just announced the longlist for their highly anticipated ideas competition, seeking innovative solutions to repurpose the iconic Marks and Spencer building on London’s Oxford Street. We’re thrilled to share that 10 Design's forward-thinking concept, 'Retrofit Hub,' has been selected!

In partnership with Prewett Bizley Architects, Kinrise, Inhabit, Retrofit Academy, and the National Retrofit Hub, we’ve envisioned a transformative future for the historic Marks & Spencer building.

Our proposed 'Retrofit Hub' concept aims to create a community-centered destination that showcases the potential of retrofitting and its numerous benefits. By repurposing the existing M&S building, the 'Retrofit Hub' seeks to serve as a replicable model for sustainable development across the country, fostering education and driving the decarbonization of buildings.

The shortlist of six, will be announced shortly!

In the meantime, you can view the longlist here: