ULI Philippines x 10 Design: Back with a Bang in Manila!


We’re excited to share some highlights from our event, hosted with ULI Philippines, in Manila earlier this month!

Discussing “Designing for Future Communities – Blending Exclusivity and Inclusivity”, Design Principal José Cláudio Silva and Managing Director of Asia, Barry Shapiro, led a lively discussion on the most challenging issues facing the private development sector. In this casual session, José and Barry shared the strategy and design thinking behind 10 Design's most innovative and sustainable global projects, and explored how they can be adapted to meet the needs of future generations.

The evening commenced with a welcome from ULI Philippines’ Advisory Board Member Buds Wenceslao, and wrapped up with Exco FY24's, Carlos “Charlie” Rufino. More than 50 guests, partners, and friends gathered to engage in thought-provoking discussions about balancing the economic viability of developments with the pressing need for sustainability, well-being, and social equity.

Special thanks to our wonderful co-host, ULI Philippines, for their integral role in making this fantastic evening possible. The insight and perspectives shared by the guests were a true treasure trove, and we're honoured to have had the opportunity to learn from their expertise and experience.