

今年的妇女节在全球以“启发包容”(#InspireInclusion) 为主题,倡导为女性创造一个更具包容性的世界。这正与10 Design致力营造的工作室文化不谋而合,我们希望能够提供开放包容的环境,确保我们的每位员工都能在此实现长足发展。

为庆祝女性的独特力量与不凡成就,我们邀请了10 Design全球工作室中的杰出女性来分享她们对行业中女性身份的自省、洞察与愿景,以求为更多女性带来激励和启发。


Principal, Sustainability Transformation 

Can you share a project or achievement that you are particularly proud of, and why?

我参与过的最有影响力的项目之一是对位于伦敦Victorian Terrace的一座社会住宅的改造。项目在 15 年前就达到了非常严格的PassivHaus (被动节能建筑) 标准,在当时完全是开创性的。15年后,我们又回到了这处房产,并见到了一直住在那里的房客。他们的反馈非常好,这是我梦想中的最好的礼物,即为人们设计舒适、耐用且对社会环境有积极影响的房子。

One of the most impactful projects I’ve worked on was the retrofit of a social house on a Victorian Terrace in London. It has achieved the very stringent PassivHaus standard 15 years ago and was totally pioneering for the time. 15 years on, we have gone back into the property, and checked in with the tenant who has lived there all along. The feedback was excellent, and this is the best present I could ever dream of, design comfortable, durable and responsible homes for people to enjoy. 

How do you see the role of women in architecture evolving?

The profession remains significantly unequal, particularly at the highest echelons, with a pronounced gender imbalance. While students initially reflect a more balanced demographic, this equilibrium diminishes as they progress in their careers, resulting in a considerable loss of talent for the industry. To address this issue, I advocate for enhanced financial support for maternity leave and childcare, as well as improved options for flexible working and career advancement to empower women to reach leadership positions.


主任建筑师 Associate

What female figures, historical or contemporary, have inspired you the most?


Instead of a specific figure, I find myself constantly inspired by the women I come across. Whenever I see a woman in a leadership role or just voicing their ideas for change, it boosts my motivation and makes me curious about their paths. I would also encourage everyone to build a network through organisations such as Women in Architecture London, where I’ve had the opportunity to meet incredible women in the field and take part in lots of fruitful conversations. 

How do you see the role of women in architecture evolving?


Women have an active role and a commitment to tackling gender disparities in our profession and our built environments. Nowadays, there’s plenty of discussion around inclusive design and how to rethink our cities from a dedicated gender approach. We realize that we live in cities that were not designed for women just as we’ve been consuming medicine that was not produced for our bodies. These are real issues that women are addressing, and I can see how we will actively be involved in changing them. 

主任建筑师 Associate

What female figures, historical or contemporary, have inspired you the most?

Oprah Winfrey. She started from humble beginnings and went on to become a success. Despite that, she contributes to society through numerous philanthropic activities and inspiring people through her show. Also, my mom! 

How do you see the role of women in architecture evolving?


Somehow, society has defined the roles as women or men. However, I believe as a human we have both femininity and masculinity inside us. For architecture, we can choose to use both in balancing ways in the design approaches, principles and management roles in the architectural industry, requiring equilibrium from both sides to evolve a better society and architecture.